
Jumat, 27 April 2012

Cerita bunga

Lambaian bunga
hantar kehangatan
Walau berpijakan rapuh tanah

Dalam ilusi khayal nyata
Bertahan untuk harap
Berserah atas waktu
Kian lama kian rapuh
Tiup yakin bergelora
Bangkitkan  rasa bisa

Bunga mekar  bawa semi
Tanda akhir hari sepi
Bunga tunduk tanda layu
Tanda terbit dendang sendu

Bunga oh bunga
Rapuhmu dalam indah
Cantikmu dalam beribadah

Little sad by me

Now  21.13 pm.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Start to think what will happend on next,,how its the adorable think when the half of my self know that there is something that cant be change althought i really really really want it on the time.
Actually, i start to think for my separation day on 26th May 2012.
I dont know,, am i waiting for the day or not.

At first,, i am happy think that i will have new friends.But now i know, before i have new friends, i'll lost my old friends.It make me sad.:(
I remember i and my friends at first meeting on MOS SMPN 2 Mataram.We are nervous to know each other #except some people who doesnt have their shame.:P
But time is walking slowly but surely,it make we know each other, and make a funny, an annoying, and a funtastic day in maa class. :)

Nice to remember :)

I lost my mood to retell my experience with them,,i just wanna say " I LOVE YOU ALL",i am sorry to hurt you,i'll miss you. Please dont forget me :)

#Kayanya cukup deh mewek" nya  :P

Thats all i want to share,,maybe one day i'll tell you more.
Insyaallah if Allah give me a chance to breath :)

And the last,, i hope all of us get the best school that we want and we can be a great person than before.
It just a little wish for us,and we must say "AMIN"


Kamis, 26 April 2012


Osh god!

Finally finally finally!!! Its 26th April 2012!!
Did you know what day is today???
Its  Thursday.

But more important than the day of today,this is THE LAST DAY of national exam.:D
How awesome it is!

Study hard for long time,and very very hard studied  for about 6 months ago,and now is the peak day of them.How tired iam,,ok,my friends too and my teachers too, and.. and.. my parents too :D 
I felt tired for keep my focus,while there are so many problem arround me,beside my own problem,but my friends problem too.
My friends,, they are the freedom louvers!! sometimes Study,study, and study make them frustated.
My teachers said that they were tired too coz they had the dense of schedule until we are ready to meet the netional exam :D
And my parents,,they had to take me up to school and pick me up from school every day.Help me to prepare my lunch,and be patiently to me. Thanks mom,dad,,I love you!!! :*

 And now,all we are feel happy for this day,,happy and nervous exactly,but everyone hope the time is running fast,so we can get our freedom, and what we want to do.

When the bell was going to ring.................
That the one of one thousand expression in maa school.
Thats tell you, how happy this day for 9 grade and their partner :D 
Thanks GOD,thanks mom,thanks dad,thanks for all our teachers, and thanks for all..
 Hope the high score come to us in 2nd June 2012. :)

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Then stop it!

 23.11 !


HI guys!!

Huft! feel so tired now..Studying!studying and studying for national exam.Its Terrified!
But its ok,,not only  me in this world feel it,,but my friends too..osh!Great! 
And its the last exam,beside other exam. i have done.
Its the 3rd days before the NATONAL exam,how about your preparing guys??Are you ready??

Well..i got a little nervous about it :D
sometimes  i feel,"Ok,i am ready,,i only need some final preparing" but the other side "Can you vina??I am not sure,,how if you are not able get some lucky??"
DAMN!!its down me in the darkness and deppest valley in the world! #Lebay.

And i dont know why,the negatif think is always be the winner in maa heart,,i got some nervous then,and it make me study more and more.I know its not good enough,,but i have no choice, i thought.
Isnt it??

Hmm...i cant always survive for them,,i must change my habits,ok,not at all ,but the negative only :P
I study as long as i can and feel enjoyyed for this.And then stop when i feel tired and boring.

And the most important every you studying is Know something new even though just a little thing.

Guys,,its 23.38 and i have to sleep no..HoaahmM!!


Selasa, 17 April 2012


Hell banget deh angen gue waktu nulis ni postingan,,ini sih masih jam 22.23 WITA. dan guess what??Gue udah NGANTOK!!Tumben banget dehnya..ckkck

#Heak!sekian sekilas info yang rada bingung in ini.
Terima kasih perhatiannya.

Sabtu, 07 April 2012


Well,,its ma first post in the 2nd blog :D

Okay,lets see wat my reason to did this,I have some reason,lets sheck it out! ;)

Umm,,yeah..i wanna be the best than before,i mean that..mmm,,When you are in a condition when everyone is talking about their planning, and then you ask your self  "How about your plan??" And as the answer,you have nothing.
 Ummm ~
its so Terrified!!

The second ,
when you lost your chance,How you feel??Better??Happy??Sad??Whatever you said,Its all yours,;p
Ok,maybe a chance isn't come for once,but  more.
But,Osshh GOD!pleasee...
I spend my beautiful time in a best school with the best person too,,STUNNING and MARVELOUS it is!!
And they are give me a lot of experience and best lessons,Ex: I must do the best for all,,Positive think although you are in a bad situation,be patiently..;),and many others..:D
And i hope i can get fresh atmoshpere here by write some word to share what i matter isn't?? ;)

Actually,there are so many reason,but i think 2 of them is enough  to share :D