
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

New life

Heyya guys!Good r you?long time not see ya :D
I miss all of you especially i miss my old friend :(
I miss B-SQUARE,I miss everytime of mine with them.With MAGPVIA,laughing,,talking,,and then make some secret that make an exciting and unforgotable moment for us.

I miss you all :(

Hell to remember,but yaa..i know and i believe thats life,without a "goodbye" life doesnt has meaning,,So,just go with the flow.Stay with ur life,never stop to walking forward.

Say "goodbye" and "hello" at the same time.
2 different condition,between lossing and coming for them.
But they are same.Our friend!

I am at SMANSA or High school 1 Mataram. At " S.I.M.PL.E" lovely class with 32 others...
I think that yeaa i love them too..i amwith them till next year..i hope we can be a great class that ever been.Have many funny moments that hard to forget.

I remember when MOS was started,,i was so tired at the time.not only me,the others too. We got a little rest and breakfast.Why?? Because we have many excercise from our senior.And we must came to school at 6 a.m.
well...i really really feel bad and feel like i want to throw up my breakfast. Iuhh~
And my friend was finted,,so poor her...
But not only bad moments that i can remember
I remember too what happend in the last day.
Thats the beautifull day for me..ok.For us i mean :D

My senior was so sweet...I love them finally!
They make a surprise closing for us,,they sang a SMANSA song "Keakraban dan Kemesraan". Finally they gave us their smile!!
Love it!
Thank you so much!Really love it!

Then,i want to tell you about my friend on the same table,or maybe i can called it,,mmm... Tablemates??? Ahahaha!lol

Her name is Wilda Ayu Wandari,,we called her Wilda.
she from Trenggalek,but she live in Sumbawa.And continue her school in SMANSA too

She is a nice girl,i like her smile and her eyes.She look like my friend in SMP 2,Auliya Isolihati.
I have a picture of her,,*ssst..i havnt ask permission her for this :D

This wilda :)